Monday, January 24, 2011

Another day in Mommy land.......

It's very entertaining to see how kids grow up and grow together.  My 20 month old daughter is now being Mini-Mommy to my 6 month old son.  They are so cute together and she's always checking up on him.  I'm so glad that I get to see it and be here each day with them.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Things that make me go Hmmmmm

So, now that I'm working from home, I have to chance to share it with others and help them out in this tough economic time.  You would be surprised at how many people just really don't want to work.  I know that it can be different and kinda tough to start out but in the end it's very rewarding.  Just like with any job starting out.... it's scary and hard..... and that always changes as you get the hang of it and move on.  Maybe it just makes me sad to see people pass up a good thing, whatever that reason may really be...

But working from home for moms, dads, foster parents or any guardian is the best option for the kids.  In a world where too may parents have to commute to and from work for hours and they miss out on their kids growing up.... not to mention the money from having to take off early from work.  I can't imagine all the money that we would be spending on daycare for another person to be the ones watching them grow and go through the new milestones, just breaks my heart.

I will just keep on going and trying.....hopefully others will see the value here and what to better their quality of life.... just to have a different outlook on this world and crazy economy..... a happy one and not a stressed out one.

Here's to the future and whatever it may hold for us all...... Bring it on 2011!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's finally happening......

Ok..... I have finally entered the wide world of internet Blogging.  I have spent the last 7 years reading and keeping up on others Blogs.  Now that I'm working from home.... It's time.  why?? Mainly because I finally have time and it's the BEST way to keep others informed on whats going on.  I mean now that I have 1. Tween and 2. Babies, I must have alllll the time in world to just chat on the phone like I'm back in Jr High.... NOT!!!!  

So, here's my most current update:  Between carpooling, Girl Scouts, 4th grade projects, dirty diapers, lots and lots of laundry, potty training, feedings and trying to decipher Toddler Chatter.... I have decided to leave the corporate world of chaos and work from home!!!!  I must be on a some sort of happy pill..... I guess in a way I am.  Being a mom and getting to raise my kids is the best job that I could ever have.  I never thought that this would be my life at this time but I wouldn't change it for anything...... well maybe once in awhile when I now get peed on by Hunter.  

I hope that you check back often to see what's going on here and let me know what you all are up to.... Miss you all <3